How Nanotechnology Can Revolutionize Meteorological Observing with Lagrangian Drifters (AMS link)
The impact of simulated super pressure balloon data on regional weather analyses and forecasts
GEMS: An airborne system for urban environmental monitoring.
Investigation of the Cold Episode of December 1989: Comparison with Other Cold Episodes in Florida
Linking a hazardous spills model to a geographic information system (GIS)
Ozone transport in Northern Alaska
LOMPUFF: A source term and diffusion model for Cape Canaveral Air Force Station/Kennedy Space Center
Recognition of Pollutant Transport Patterns Using Principal Components
The Meteorological Monitoring System (MMS)
The Meteorological Monitoring System (MMS) for Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
Using mesoscale model data as input to AERMOD
The structure of the convective planetary boundary layer over urban terrain
The effects of topographical and gridded density on mesoscale model performance