



How Nanotechnology Can Revolutionize Meteorological Observing with Lagrangian Drifters (AMS link)

The impact of simulated super pressure balloon data on regional weather analyses and forecasts 

Meteorological and photochemical modeling of ozone and carbon monoxide episodes for the Paso del Norte airshed. Part I: Mesoscale modeling

GEMS: An airborne system for urban environmental monitoring.

Estimation of the average surface heat flux over an inhomogeneous terrain from the vertical velocity variance

Investigation of the Cold Episode of December 1989: Comparison with Other Cold Episodes in Florida

Delta II Explosion Plume Analysis at Cape Canaveral, FL: Evaluation of Meteorological and Dispersion Modeling System

Linking a hazardous spills model to a geographic information system (GIS)

Using The RAMS Mesoscale Model For Meteorological Input Into A Photochemical Model For O3 And CO Episodes For The El Paso, Texas / Juarez, Mexico Region

The implementation and evaluation of the Emergency Response Dose Assessment System (ERDAS) at Cape Canaveral Air Station/Kennedy Space Center

Operational implementation and continued evaluation of mesoscale and dispersion modeling system at Cape Canaveral Air Station/Kennedy Space Center 

Ozone transport in Northern Alaska

LOMPUFF: A source term and diffusion model for Cape Canaveral Air Force Station/Kennedy Space Center

Recognition of Pollutant Transport Patterns Using Principal Components

The Meteorological Monitoring System (MMS)

The Meteorological Monitoring System (MMS) for Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

Using mesoscale model data as input to AERMOD

The structure of the convective planetary boundary layer over urban terrain

The effects of topographical and gridded density on mesoscale model performance